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  • laurakbaker94

Hawaii flower girl - Kona children's photographer

This is my baby. She promised that she'd always be my baby, but I have a sinking suspicion that she'll break that promise sooner than later! I always take some special pictures of my kids around their birthday, and Josie has been begging for hers. She is the fourth child, and as such, she lives quite a different life than the first child did. For starters, it's amazing she's still alive considering I didn't read any baby books when she was born and I'm pretty sure I've missed at least 50% of her well-child visits and immunizations! On the other hand, she's got 3 extra people in the house to look after her, or tease her depending on the mood. I sometimes wonder what she'll remember from growing up in Hawaii - lucky girl. Hopefully, some day, she'll look back at these pictures and remember happy moments.

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