When they told me their plan, I was so excited to be a part of it. Jan and Sarah were engaged, but the idea of a big wedding didn't quite fit their personalities. Something spontaneous, unexpected, would be so much better. So on the last day of their family trip to the Big Island, they invited both their parents (they didn't have a clue) and Sarah's best friend (she was in on the gig) to join them for pictures on the beach. This was partially true, but only after they arrived did Sarah and Jan announce that they were wedding photos. They were getting married. Right there. In about 20 minutes. As shock slowly faded into happiness, the tears flowed and anticipation grew. Sarah's father walked her down a weathered dock to a tiny little island in the middle of the fishponds. As the ukulele played in the background, Sarah and Jan read their personal vows from their cell phones (Did I mention Jan is a writer? Those vows should be copyrighted!) and pledged their lives to each other. More tears all around. Sarah and Jan, your ceremony among your loved ones was enchanting and I might have had a few tears as well. Thanks so much for entrusting your wedding photos to me and making me feel like I've known you much longer than a week. You made Hawaii look even better! Much Aloha!